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Everything is Connected!

To reach your health goals, it’s essential to get to the ROOT cause. Key areas like adrenal function, gut health, liver detox, hormone balance, insulin sensitivity, and thyroid health must work together for optimal wellness.

Start with Insulin and Blood Sugar Regulation:

Insulin, secreted when we eat, helps bring sugar into cells for energy. When insulin doesn’t function properly, sugar stays in the blood, leading to fat storage, energy crashes, and chronic inflammation. Here’s how to correct that:

10 Keys to Functional Nutrition

  1. Eat Every 3-4 Hours:
    Keeps energy stable, supports metabolism, and helps insulin work properly. This is ideal for most people, but intermittent fasting may not be suitable if you’re experiencing adrenal fatigue or burnout.
  2. Pair Fiber, Carbs, and Protein at Every Meal:
    This balances blood sugar, reduces cravings, and sustains energy. Ideal protein sources include chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, beans, and protein powder. Aim for 15-30g of protein per meal and 30+ grams of fiber daily from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  3. Eat 5-10 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Daily:
    Macronutrients provide energy, but micronutrients reduce inflammation, detoxify, and optimize energy use. Customize your macronutrient intake to fit your goals using tools like MyFitnessPal.
  4. Hydrate – Drink 100oz of Water Daily:
    Or drink half your body weight in ounces of hydrating fluids. If you drink coffee, add extra water to compensate!
  5. Walk Outside Every Day:
    This supports adrenal health and stress management. Incorporate parasympathetic activities like yoga, massages, or even dancing to help balance stress.
  6. Practice Parasympathetic Activities Daily:
    To reduce stress, take 3 deep breaths, walk outside for 20 minutes, or use calming essential oils like frankincense.
  7. Sleep 7 Hours a Night:
    Quality sleep is non-negotiable for every function in your body. Aim for consistent, restorative rest.
  8. Support Gut Health – Go #2 Every Day:
    Regular elimination helps detoxify. If you have gut issues, consider the 5R Protocol: Remove, Repair, Replace, Reinoculate, and Rebalance.
  9. Eliminate Toxins – Choose Glass Over Plastic:
    Avoid toxins that disrupt metabolism by opting for glass containers, choosing organic foods, and reducing exposure to harmful chemicals in everyday products.
  10. Mindset Around Eating:
    No food is “good” or “bad”—focus on balance. Enjoy fun foods occasionally and savor every bite. Remember, your diet is unique to you.